About Us

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We are PlayMoto Toys from 's-Gravenzande in the Westland region, the Netherlands.

We have been buying and selling new and used Playmobil sets since 2006, inside and outside the Netherlands.

PlayHes & PlayMotoThe inventory of PlayMoto became so large after a long time of collecting Playmobil as a collector. It became so large, that it was no longer a hobby, but becoming a business.
In 2006 a new step was taken and PlayMoto Toys was officially registered as a company with the Chamber of Commerce in The Hague.

PlayHes & PlayMoto

Quality and the experience of the product and Playmobil brand are most importantPlayMoto Avatar for us. For for your children, grandchildren, aswell as for all adults and Collectors.
Not only the current assortment is what we sell, but also old parts & sets, collector items, specialty items aswell as Playmobil® merchandise.

We are a small company and not a wholesale business like Amazon or Bol, etc. This is a hobby that has grown out of its jacket. We enjoy investing a lot of time and energy in our company in addition to our family, four-legged friends Cody & Wally and our jobs.

Are you looking for good quality, experience, expertise and a good price? Then look no further, you are the right webshop!


PlayMoto Bezig met een van zijn displays    PlayMoto collectors items in PM fabriek te Dietenhofen

  1. Left: Martin busy fixing 2 of his displays
  2. Right: Sideskirts of the 5185 Police motorcycle were being printed, while we were on a tour in the Dietenhofen (D) factory  :-)
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